As Demetri Pananos implies in a comment, a discrete-time survival model (which seems appropriate in your case) is based on binomial regressions. You set up a separate data row for each individual during each time interval at which the individual is at risk, with covariate values in place during that time interval. You include the time period as a covariate in some fashion, to allow for changes in baseline hazard over time. A quick search shows nearly 300 entries relating to discrete-time survival on this site.
Having a separate row for each individual and time period, with corresponding covariate values, allows for time-varying covariates within individuals. As you don't have a data row for an individual who's no longer at risk, that individual is no longer considered at later event times; that accounts for censoring just as in a continuous-time proportional hazards model.
A sample-size estimate based on binomial regression thus could make sense, if you take into account the changing numbers of individuals over time. Nevertheless, a binomial regression with a complementary log-log link is just a "grouped proportional hazards model"; Cox models can handle tied event times (with some methods to handle ties). You thus should do pretty well to start with a standard power estimate for continuous-time Cox models, and perhaps do some simulations to see how much power you lose from the binning of times.