I am trying to looking at how the three factors A (5 levels, a-e), B (2 levels, a and b) and C (2 levels, a and b) affect the likelihood of event Y (1 = occured, 0 = did not occur). I initially ran a normal logistic regression model as follows:
type3.Y.Full <- list(A = contr.sum, B = contr.sum, C = contr.sum)
model.Y<-glm(Y.likelihood ~ A*B*C, family = binomial (link = "logit"), data = Y.1, contrasts = type3.Y.Full)
Anova(model.Y, type = 3)
update(model.Y, method = "detect_separation")#Complete separation detected
Examination of the summary output (showing abnormally large standard errors of coefficients and all p-values very close to 1), examination of the no of 1's and 0's for each combination of the three factors levels, as well as running a test to detect separation using the code above, revealed to me that there were several instances of complete separation in my data.
As a result of this, my research online had led me to believe that I need to run a bias reduced logistic regression to deal with the separation. I have found two methods to do this as follows:
#########Method 1 - brglm2
model.Y.brglm<-glm(Y.likelihood ~ A*B*C, family = binomial (link = "logit"), data = Y.1, contrasts = type3.Y.Full, method = brglmFit)
glm(formula = Y.likelihood ~ A * B * C,
family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = Y.1, method = brglmFit,
contrasts = type3.Y.Full)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.2534 -1.0731 0.5415 0.9738 1.6651
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.54796 0.16566 3.308 0.000940 ***
A1 0.64720 0.34125 1.897 0.057886 .
A2 0.70109 0.29486 2.378 0.017420 *
A3 0.75656 0.35739 2.117 0.034267 *
A4 -0.33962 0.21995 -1.544 0.122572
B1 0.38930 0.16566 2.350 0.018771 *
C1 0.62192 0.16566 3.754 0.000174 ***
A1:B1 0.18165 0.34125 0.532 0.594520
A2:B1 -0.58628 0.29486 -1.988 0.046771 *
A3:B1 0.39197 0.35739 1.097 0.272747
A4:B1 -0.09776 0.21995 -0.444 0.656725
A1:C1 0.12427 0.34125 0.364 0.715740
A2:C1 0.11557 0.29486 0.392 0.695086
A3:C1 0.04053 0.35739 0.113 0.909714
A4:C1 -0.70748 0.21995 -3.216 0.001298 **
B1:C1 -0.13459 0.16566 -0.812 0.416535
A1:B1:C1 -0.53189 0.34125 -1.559 0.119081
A2:B1:C1 -0.13863 0.29486 -0.470 0.638249
A3:B1:C1 0.82033 0.35739 2.295 0.021713 *
A4:B1:C1 0.38356 0.21995 1.744 0.081193 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 583.11 on 435 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 486.65 on 416 degrees of freedom
AIC: 526.65
Type of estimator: AS_mixed (mixed bias-reducing adjusted score equations)
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
#######Method 2 - logistf
model.Y.logistf<-logistf(Y.likelihood ~ A*B*C, family = binomial (link = "logit"), data = Y.1, contrasts = type3.Y.Full)
logistf(formula = Y.likelihood ~ A * B * C,
data = Y.1, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
contrasts = type3.Y.Full)
Model fitted by Penalized ML
coef se(coef) lower 0.95 upper 0.95 Chisq p method
(Intercept) 1.845826690 0.8785954 0.3799589 4.07823857 6.486481e+00 0.010869791 2
Ab -0.329479201 1.0212407 -2.7268144 1.53675350 1.079762e-01 0.742460079 2
Ac 1.588160514 1.6841752 -1.4441737 6.61356792 1.046109e+00 0.306404983 2
Ad -1.182532473 0.9747733 -3.5288125 0.53518532 1.726111e+00 0.188908279 2
Ae -2.182298927 1.2073293 -4.8873400 0.04489102 3.684039e+00 0.054935611 2
Bb 0.191055237 1.2351328 -2.4401842 2.82413887 2.390508e-02 0.877126674 2
Cb -0.159427737 1.1162454 -2.6642665 2.01602591 2.058149e-02 0.885924913 2
Ab:Bb 0.749333047 1.5875658 -2.4131725 4.09862430 2.250972e-01 0.635183231 2
Ac:Bb -3.125086490 1.9175271 -8.3798273 0.32196136 3.155520e+00 0.075670574 2
Ad:Bb -1.272084655 1.3515401 -4.0934860 1.54111671 8.645881e-01 0.352457930 2
Ae:Bb 0.145417000 1.5398920 -2.9833643 3.30894785 8.921787e-03 0.924747560 2
Ab:Cb -0.769133088 1.3131695 -3.3371442 2.02486335 3.337002e-01 0.563488328 2
Ac:Cb -2.536960524 1.8919024 -7.7521946 0.90157352 2.081519e+00 0.149091717 2
Ad:Cb -0.167394244 1.2495599 -2.5996562 2.53278844 1.782789e-02 0.893781252 2
Ae:Cb -0.602712315 1.5700483 -3.6982496 2.62924915 1.460259e-01 0.702362483 2
Bb:Cb -2.665911551 1.4810694 -5.7482418 0.33581980 3.085541e+00 0.078991000 2
Ab:Bb:Cb 1.573054674 1.9223037 -2.3271087 5.39155135 6.588991e-01 0.416948868 2
Ac:Bb:Cb 5.408887567 2.1701134 1.4434461 10.92484427 7.119263e+00 0.007626006 2
Ad:Bb:Cb 3.661783160 1.6533010 0.3567045 7.04155205 4.652260e+00 0.031012684 2
Ae:Bb:Cb -0.005935602 2.3742641 -5.7356358 4.45315310 6.251339e-06 0.998005077 2
Method: 1-Wald, 2-Profile penalized log-likelihood, 3-None
Likelihood ratio test=88.07473 on 19 df, p=7.262535e-11, n=436
Wald test = 65.45671 on 19 df, p = 5.145634e-07
I would like to run a type-III ANOVA after each logistic regression. Running it using the brglm model gives the following results however, trying to run it using the logistf method gives me the following error:
######Method 1 - brglm2
Anova(model.Y.brglm, type = 3)
Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)
Response: Y.likelihood
LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
A 44.904 4 4.164e-09 ***
B 5.810 1 0.015939 *
C 20.969 1 4.667e-06 ***
A:B 6.359 4 0.173862
A:C 13.550 4 0.008877 **
B:C -2.479 1 1.000000
A:B:C 13.371 4 0.009597 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#####Method 2 - logistf
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'Y.likelihood' not found
As a result my questions are as follows:
- What is the difference between the brglm2 and the logistf methods in terms of how they tackle complete separation? Are there circumstances in which you would choose one over the other?
- How does a type III ANOVA work with each of two methods of dealing with complete separation? Why does it only seem to work with the brglm2 method?
Edited to add: I have tried using the drop1() function with the logistf model in order to obtain type-III ANOVA p-values for each term in the model however I get the following results:
model.Y.logistf<-logistf(Y.likelihood ~ A*B*C, family = binomial (link = "logit"), data = Y.1, contrasts = type3.Y.Full)
drop1(model.Y.logistf, test = "Chisq")
ChiSq df P-value
A -319.16377 4 1
B -26.64750 1 1
C -11.56925 1 1
A:B -1756.86802 4 1
A:C -462.52627 4 1
B:C -287.00847 1 1
A:B:C -1503.59447 4 1
logistf(..., contrasts = type3.Y.Full)
doesn't actually apply the sum contrasts to the A,B,C factor variables aslogistf
ignores thecontrasts
argument. Instead you can apply them manually like this:contrasts(A) <- contr.sum(5), ...
before fitting the model. $\endgroup$model.matrix(model.Y.logistf, data = Y.1)
. Pay attention to the output, it should say the contrasts for each predictor. $\endgroup$