I'm currently sitting on a research project and I got an output which is confusing me.
The hypothesis to be checked is: Self-Efficacy (Centered_KOMP) is moderating the negative relationship between Neuroticism (CENTERED_NEUR) and Meaning in Work (SUM_ME_WORK). I ran a hierarchical multiple regression analysis with only the main effects in the first step and added the interaction effect in a second step.
In the first step, the main effects both were significant. In the second model with the interaction, the main effect of self-efficacy on Meaning in Work became insignificant. The interaction effect was significant though.
A tutor of mine said that this was an unusual result, which made me insecure about interpreting this effect. My questions are:
How can I interpret this?
What's an explanation for this result? Do Standard Deviations & Ranges (Variability) maybe provide an explanation for this? (CENTERED_NEUR has SD = 26.14; and a high range (107) = high variability?) (CENTERED_KOMP has SD = 5.34 with a range of 21 -> lower variability?) The Neuroticism scale incorporated 20 Items with options ranging from 1 - 7, the self-efficacy scale incorporated six items with options ranging from 1-5)
So far, I interpreted like this, but I'm very unsure if that's correct: The interaction effect might be explaining most of the variability the main effect of self-efficacy was previously accounting for. The effect of self-efficacy might only be significant at certain levels of neuroticism (although I'm unsure, since wouldn't this imply that neuroticism is a moderator, too?)
I would much appreciate the help!!!