Will the ab test results change as the the number of exposed users change?
Assuming , we have the ability to expose a certain % users to an AB experiment. For eg: we can specify that only 20% of the overall user population should be exposed to an experiment. Also, users in one experiment will not participate in any other experiment.
In this case, let's say we got a statistically significant metric lift (for eg: revenue) of 5% for a 10% user allocation experiment (only 10% of the population was exposed to the experiment). Would we have got the same 5% lift if we had ran the same experiment with a higher user allocation (20%, 50%, 100%, etc..) ?
I set up some tests to answer the question above and I got results to suggest that as the user allocation changes, metric lift also changes. Doe this make sense? Any comments/thoughts will be super helpful. Thanks!