A Kaplan-Meier curve displays the survival data available to date, but you need to make assumptions to extrapolate. If you are willing to assume a particular parametric distribution, like the Weibull you suggest, you can fit that distribution to the data to date, obtain estimates for the parameters of the distribution, and then extrapolate. The R survival
package contains a survreg()
function for fitting parametric models to survival data, and associated functions for making predictions.
For example, if you started with 500 individuals at some single specific date, still had information on all 500, and found 50 events by 12/07/2024, then you have 90% survival on that date. To estimate the time for 65 events, if you expect to continue having information on all remaining cases, you could ask the software to use the parameter estimates from the current data to find the time consistent with the corresponding 87% survival.
It would be wise to play with the parameters of the Weibull distribution to see how much that time estimate to reach 65 events would vary, based on the uncertainty in the parameter values. You can use tools in the survival package for simple work, or do more complicated simulations with packages like simsurv
You still will be faced with the problem that past experience might not represent future performance. As many illustrious people have noted, including Niels Bohr and the great US philosopher L. P. Berra: predictions are hard, especially about the future.
*Be careful with Weibull and other parametric survival distributions, as parameterizations can differ among packages. See this page among many others.