Suppose we are want to consider the asset price $P_t$ (business daily) of some stock. The log return is defined as
suppose we are considering the prices between some interval, eg. June 1986 and March 1990). Log returns can be modelled by $X_t=\sigma_t\epsilon_t$, with $E[\epsilon_t]=0,Var(\epsilon_t)=1$. We assume Markov-property, thus $\sigma^2_t=v(X_{t-1})$. The model can be fitted by nonparametric regression of the function $v$ in
where $\phi_t=\sigma^2_t(\epsilon^2_t-1)$ can be seen as error. We want to use ksmooth
, smooth.spline
and loess
. In my notes they say: "First we sort the values, in order not to get problems with ksmooth
, which orders the values internally and gives back results corresponding to the ordered values."
I do not understand why we have to do that. Basically we have a function $v$, with values on the $y$-axis and the $x$-axis is our time interval between June 1986 and March 1990. So why do we have to order the data?