I am interested in the association between two variables, cognitive distortion and overall suffering (on scales from 0 to 40 and 0 to 10 respectively). A Spearman rank test suggests positive correlation and hence to study the strength of the association I would have intuitively reached for linear regression to quantify how much suffering varies with each added unit score of cognitive distortion.
I wonder whether based on a dataset like the one attached, linear regression is a reasonable model. Independence, normal distribution and equality of variance assumptions are met (based on Breusch-Pagan testing). Or would other models be more appropriate?
A related but slightly separate question: is normality testing with Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Shapiro tests definitely needed? I noticed they suggest non-normality on data which "appear" normal on inspection.
I would characterize the model as explanatory rather than predictive. If I would consider a linear model appropriate on inspection of the scatter plot how can I formally justify this?