Assume we are given two nested GLM models $M_0 \subset M_1$ with $q$ and $p$ parameters respectively. We also know that dispersion parameter in both models is estimated as the same value, denote it $\widehat{\phi} \neq 1$. My goal is to test the significance of $p-q$ additional parameters in bigger model. In this case, the appropriate test would be F-test (see e.g. Section here) with $$ F = \frac{D_0-D_1}{\widehat{\phi} (p-q)}, $$ where $D_0, D_1$ are deviances of $M_0$ and $M_1$. In the very same book the deviance is defined as $$ D = 2 \phi(L_\textrm{full} - L), $$ where $L_\textrm{full}$ and $L$ are log-likelihoods of full (saturated) model and considered model. By naive way, one can estimate the deviance by substituting $\widehat{\phi}$ for $\phi$ and hence in our case $$ F = \frac{2 \widehat{\phi} (L_\textrm{full} - L_0) - 2 \widehat{\phi}(L_\textrm{full} - L_1)}{\widehat{\phi} (p-q)} = \frac{2(L_1-L_0)}{p-q}. $$ On the other hand, I stumbled upon an exercise where $L_0, L_1$ and $\widehat{\phi}$ were given and the F-ratio was calculated as $$ F = \frac{2(L_1-L_0)}{\widehat{\phi}(p-q)}, $$ which made me think that scaled deviances ($D^* = D/\phi$) were used here instead of regular deviances.
Which way of computing this statistic is correct?
There are plenty of different sources I looked for it (e.g. here or here) but it seems to me that in each one something different is said about it, and I can’t reconcile all the versions. I would appreciate any help!