For $n$ observations $X_1, \ldots, X_n$ of one sample following distribution $P$ chosen from population $ \mathcal{P}$, suppose that we observe $X_i = x_i \in \mathbb{R}$. Empirically, we may detect that $P$ is not normal by looking at QQ-plot or run normality tests. When we have reasons to suspect that $P$ is not normal, empirically we may apply some sort of monotone transform (e.g. power transform, in particular Box-Cox transform) to "make it look more normal". This means we are going to fix a non-decreasing function $f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ and work on $Y_i = f(X_i)$.
Is there any mathematical theory suggesting that, under suitably chosen $f$ (particularly the Box-Cox transform), the distribution of $Y_i$'s are going to, in some mathematical sense (e.g. distance between cumulative distribution functions), closer to a normal distribution with some mean and variance ? Quantitative answers(references) to this question are the best. Qualitative answers are also acceptable. I just want to know if such transformation is a purely empirical thing or does it have any theoretical fundation.
To me, it sounds like such transformations can only stretch the data (non-uniformly) so that it concentrates in some region than others, which should definitely make it closer to normal distribution. Whether for all non-normal distribution, one certain algorithm can determine a transform to make it more normal, is a different business. There is a lot of ambiguity in the use of such transforms.