I have the following study design: 8 locations, 5 forest types (Plots) per location (D,DB,B,FB,F). In every plot I sampled spiders and identified them. I did an NMDS with Morisita-Horn index.
Additionally I wanted to check whether the differences in the community composition are statistically significant. For that I used adonis2 with restricted permutations because of the nested study design. With the following code I made sure that permutations are only allowed within the locations but not between.
CTRL.t <- how(within = Within(type = "free"),
plots = Plots(type = "none"),
blocks = matrix_plot$location,
nperm = 999,
observed = TRUE)
I then used adonis2
adonis2(matrix_plot[,2:49] ~ location + stand,
data = matrix_plot,
permutations = CTRL.t)
which returned a significant p-value
> adonis2(matrix_plot[,2:49] ~ location + stand,
+ data = matrix_plot,
+ method="horn",
+ permutations = CTRL.t)
Permutation test for adonis under reduced model
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Blocks: matrix_plot$location
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
adonis2(formula = matrix_plot[, 2:49] ~ location + stand, data = matrix_plot, permutations = CTRL.t, method = "horn")
Df SumOfSqs R2 F Pr(>F)
location 7 2.8907 0.27866 2.0473 0.009 **
stand 4 1.8350 0.17689 2.2743 0.009 **
Residual 28 5.6479 0.54445
Total 39 10.3736 1.00000
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
My question is now: Do I also have to restrict the permuations when I want to use betadisper () from vegan to determine whether the effect of stand type is due to an dispersion or location effect?
So far I used betadisper like this
dispersion_stands<- betadisper(horn_dist, matrix_plot$stand, type="centroid")
and restricted the permutations with the same code as above for the permutest
permutest(dispersion_stands, permutations = CTRL.t)
Is this necessary and correct?
? Is this coding for the "5 forest types (Plots) per location" that you mentioned? $\endgroup$