I have a pool for white and black balls. For this example let say 20% is white and remaining 80% is black.
Now, at random, someone picks different numbers of balls following some distribution of picks, e.g. 1 pick 10% 2 pick 20% 3 pick 60 4 10%.
If at the end, I am only allowed to see how many white balls the person picked for each try, how can i tell what is the likelihood that person picked X number of balls from the pool?
How should I go about thinking about this ?
Example. : Again an infinite pool of 20% white and 80% black balls. Person B can pick different numbers of balls randomly for each trial following the pick probability of 1 pick 10% 2 pick 20% 3 pick 60% 4 pick 10%. Person A can only ask about how many white balls B picked for each trial. (sequence does not matter )
Let say B picked:
1 white 1 black
0 white 2 black
1 white 2 black
1 white 1 black
2 white 2 black
1 white 2 black
1 white 0 black
3 white 0 black
0 white 1 black
0 white 1 black
Person A has a list of white balls (1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0) B picked for the 10 trials. How can I go about thinking about the likelihood of how many balls B picked from the pool for each trial?
Or I can ask a different question too, how can I estimate the pick probability of B, i.e. without knowing how B is picking the balls, how can I guess the pick probability of 1 pick 10% 2 pick 20% 3 pick 60% 4 pick 10%?