Objective: To calculate proportion deviance explained by a predictor.
Approach: Following this post by Simon Wood, the deviance explained by a predictor x1
is the difference in the deviances explained by models that (A) include and (B) do not include x1
. Prof. Wood further explains it is necessary to ensure that the reduced model uses the same smoothing parameters as the full model.
Reproducible example:
get_dev_explained = function(mod, pred) {
# Drop 'pred' from formula
form_wout_pred = Reduce(paste, deparse(formula(mod))) |>
str_replace(paste0(", ", pred, "|", pred, ", "), "")
# Drop smoothing parameter corresponding to 'pred'
sp_wout_pred = mod$sp[str_detect(labels(terms(mod)), pred, negate = T)]
# Fit model without predictor 'pred'
cat("Fitting model:", form_wout_pred, "\n")
cat("using smoothing parameters: ", paste(names(sp_wout_pred), collapse = " "), "\n")
mod_wout_pred = update(mod, formula. = form_wout_pred, sp = sp_wout_pred)
# Calculate % deviance explained by 'pred'
pred = pred,
with_pred = summary(mod)$dev.expl * 100,
wout_pred = summary(mod_wout_pred)$dev.expl * 100,
by_pred = with_pred - wout_pred)
n = 400
data = tibble(
x1 = runif(n),
x2 = runif(n),
x3 = runif(n),
y = x1 + x2 + x3 + rnorm(n))
mod = gam(y ~ te(x1, x2, x3), data = data, select = F)
print(mod$sp) # print smoothing parameters
te(x1,x2,x3)1 te(x1,x2,x3)2 te(x1,x2,x3)3 1.403968e+11 4.287090e-01 8.989312e+00
There is one smoothing parameter per marginal smooth as expected.
get_dev_explained(mod, "x1"),
get_dev_explained(mod, "x2"),
get_dev_explained(mod, "x3"))
Fitting model: y ~ te(x2, x3) using smoothing parameters: te(x1,x2,x3)2 te(x1,x2,x3)3 Fitting model: y ~ te(x1, x3) using smoothing parameters: te(x1,x2,x3)1 te(x1,x2,x3)3 Fitting model: y ~ te(x1, x2) using smoothing parameters: te(x1,x2,x3)1 te(x1,x2,x3)2
% deviance explained by each predictor:
pred with_pred wout_pred by_pred 1 x1 28.6 19.9 8.67 2 x2 28.6 13.6 15.0 3 x3 28.6 17.0 11.7
The problem: If we set select = TRUE
in order to perform variable selection (the 'double penalty approach' of Marra & Wood (2011)), an extra null-space penalty term is added, effectively allowing variables to be shrunk out of the model.
mod_sel = gam(y ~ te(x1, x2, x3), data = data, select = T)
print(mod_sel$sp) # print smoothing parameters
te(x1,x2,x3)1 te(x1,x2,x3)2 te(x1,x2,x3)3 te(x1,x2,x3)4 9.688189e+09 4.229465e-01 9.057475e+00 7.775367e-02
Question: What do the 4 smoothing parameters correspond to? i.e., which of these correspond to the marginal smooths? [Knowing this is necessary in order to use the same smoothing parameters when fitting the reduced models.]
Marra, G., and S. N. Wood. 2011. Practical variable selection for generalized additive models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55:2372–2387.