I performed different regression analyses, including Dirichlet regression, on compositional data.
I want to create a plot similar to the one obtained when you use the package effects
I have tried the next piece of code:
sputum_cell_prop_col<-c("MS_DIFF_MAKROS", "MS_DIFF_NEUT", "MS_DIFF_EOS", "MS_DIFF_LYM",
meta2$Y <- DR_data(mutate_all(meta2[sputum_cell_prop_col], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
res2<-DirichReg(Y ~ Eotaxin.3 + G.CSF + IFN.g + IL.10+ IL.13 + IL.17 + IL.1alpha + IL.1F7 + IL.24
+ IL.33 + IL.4 + IL.5+ IL.8 + Periostin + SCGB1A.1 + TNF.alpha +
D_SEX+D_AGE + D_SmokingStatus+year+OCS_YN + ICS_YN, meta2, control=list(iterlim = 50000))
new = data.frame(
Eotaxin.3 = mean(meta2$Eotaxin.3),
G.CSF = seq(min(meta2$G.CSF) - 1,max(meta2$G.CSF) + 1,length.out=280),
IFN.g = mean(meta2$IFN.g),
IL.10 = mean(meta2$IL.10),
IL.13 = mean(meta2$IL.13),
IL.17 = mean(meta2$IL.17),
IL.1alpha = mean(meta2$IL.1alpha),
IL.1F7 = mean(meta2$IL.1F7),
IL.24 = mean(meta2$IL.24),
IL.33 = mean(meta2$IL.33),
IL.4 = mean(meta2$IL.4),
IL.5 = mean(meta2$IL.5),
IL.8 = mean(meta2$IL.8),
Periostin = mean(meta2$Periostin),
SCGB1A.1 = mean(meta2$SCGB1A.1),
TNF.alpha = mean(meta2$TNF.alpha),
year = 2018,
D_SEX = meta2$D_SEX,
D_AGE = mean(meta2$D_AGE),
D_SmokingStatus = meta2$D_SmokingStatus,
OCS_YN = meta2$OCS_YN,
ICS_YN = meta2$ICS_YN
new$year <- as.factor(new$year)
new$D_SEX <- as.factor(new$D_SEX)
new$D_SmokingStatus <- as.factor(new$D_SmokingStatus)
new$OCS_YN <- as.factor(new$OCS_YN)
new$ICS_YN <- as.factor(new$ICS_YN)
a <- predict(res2,newdata = new)
This piece of code has the purpose of calculating the effects exclusively for the variable G.CSF
However, in this case, I should use the whole set of factor levels instead of fixing only one as the constant value.
Is there a way to create a plot for specific covariate effects similar to the plots provided by the function Effects
when I use other regression models like linear or multimodal? If so, is the previous piece of code suitable for this task?
Session info
R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64
Running under: Windows 11 x64 (build 22631)
Matrix products: default
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time zone: Europe/Berlin
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[8] base
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[4] gridExtra_2.3 DescTools_0.99.55 MASS_7.3-61
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