I am analyzing capacity values from an aging test of 24 battery cells, which have three categories:
- Battery Type: they can be 29V or 33V
- Storage Temperature: 10°C, 20°C or 30°C
- Storage SOC: 30% or 100%
Every test case has 2 batteries being tested (example: teo batteries in 29V-10°C-30% ; two batteries in 33V-10°C-30% etc).
To investigate the impact of test conditions on capacity (main effects and interactions), I performed three-way ANOVA, which met the requirements for the first batch (after 4 weeks of storage). I used Sharpiro-Wilk test and Anderson-Darling test to check normality and Levene's test to check equal variances.
However, for the second batch (after 9 weeks of storage), Sharpiro-Wilk test showed that Battery Type = 33V does not have a normal distribution. Anderson-Darling showed that battery type = 33V and SOC=100% don't have normal distribution. SOC=100% in Sharpiro test had a borderline result (p-value 0.07).
So, from all 7 groups, I considered 2 of them did not show normal distribution and, therefore, Battery Type and Storage SOC dont meet the normal distribution requirement.
My "problems":
How to analyze the interaction between the test conditions? I performed a 3 way ANOVA (even knowing that Battery Type and SOC don't have normal distribution) and it didn't show any interaction. However I would need another alternative to confirm if that is really the case. A question recommended odds ordinal logistic regression model as a non-parametric alternative to 3 way-ANOVA. I tried to implement but as the variables have too much multi-collinearity the model did not work.
How to analyze the main effects? I conducted a One way standard ANOVA on Temperature, as it has normal distribution, and it showed significant main effect. For SOC and Battery Type, I conducted the Kruskal Wallis Test which showed that both of them are not statistically significant. But I am a bit skeptical here: the boxplots and heatmap below might indicate that at least SOC is a significant factor. Therefore I am not confident about my approach on the main effects. Worth noting that we have a small sample size, although they are relatively similar (8 samples for each group in storage temperature and 12 samples for battery type and storage SOC).