I'm actually trying to find the best explanatory variables in order to estimate the probability of deafult of the counterparties of my portfolio. After defined the Long List of variables, I'm testing each variable through a univariate logistic regression. Each variable is assessed considering three conditions:
- statistically significant estimation, that is, p-value < 5%;
- sign of the estimated coefficient (beta sign) coherent with economic expectations;
- sufficient discriminatory power, that is, Somers’ D > 5%
However, focusing on the cost variable, firstly I tried to consider the variable by eliminating the observations where the amount of costs is equal to zero. The variable passes all the abovementioned criteria, but the Somer's D is lower (30%). Moreover, I don't think it's the best approach, since the zeroes are real zeroes and not missing values. For this reason, I considered to create a dummy variable in order to keep all the observations. I've created a dummy variable such that:
- Dummy variable is equal to 1 when the positive continuous variable is equal to 0.
- 0 otherwise.
So I've performed the following logit regression:
proc logistic data= want plots=ROC;
model observed_default = continuous_variable dummy_variable
and the results are pretty good in terms of Somers' $D$ (60%) but the dummy variable is not significant (the $p$-value is equal to $0.35$).
How could I deal with this problem? Could I keep the dummy variable in the model even if it's not significant? I think the problem arises since the dummy variable is, by construction, collinear with the continuous variable.
Finally, after the univariate regressions, I'm going to estimate the multivariate one via the stepwise selection.