In general this is a bad idea. ltm
uses marginal maximum likelihood (MML) estimation, and therefore zero response vectors are still used in estimation and give information about the 'difficulty' of an item, unlike joint maximum likelihood (JML) is which case these need to be removed (like in the program LOGIT).
The same thing can be said about removing rows with missing data. While it shouldn't introduce bias if the responses containing missing data are missing at random (MAR), it will decrease the precision of recovering population parameters. However, removing extreme responses isn't removing by a MAR scheme (clearly), so bias is introduced and parameters are estimated with less precision.
Here's a quick simulation (maybe 3 minutes or so...and could easily be run in parallel by passing parallel = TRUE
to runSimulation()
) where you estimate the model with and without extreme response patterns, and you can see the RMSE and bias statistic are larger without these patterns due to the loss of information and introduced bias.
Design <- createDesign(nitems=10, N=1000)
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects = NULL) {
a <- matrix(rlnorm(nitems, .2, .2))
d <- matrix(rnorm(nitems))
resp <- simdata(a,d, N, itemtype='2PL')
list(resp=resp, a=a, d=d)
Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects = NULL) {
modwith <- mirt(resp, 1, verbose = FALSE)
sums <- rowSums(resp)
modwithout <- mirt(resp[sums != 0 & sums != condition$nitems, ], 1,
verbose = FALSE)
cfs1 <- coef(modwith, simplify=TRUE)
cfs2 <- coef(modwithout, simplify=TRUE)
ret <- c(biaswith = bias(cbind(a,d) - cfs1$items[,1:2]),
RMSDwith = RMSE(cbind(a,d) - cfs1$items[,1:2]),
biaswithout = bias(cbind(a,d) - cfs2$items[,1:2]),
RMSDwithout = RMSE(cbind(a,d) - cfs2$items[,1:2]))
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects = NULL) {
results <- runSimulation(design=Design, replications=200, generate=Generate,
analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise,
packages='mirt', progress=TRUE)
With the results
> print(results, drop.extras = TRUE)
nitems N biaswith.a1 biaswith.d RMSDwith.a1 RMSDwith.d biaswithout.a1 biaswithout.d RMSDwithout.a1 RMSDwithout.d
1 10 1000 -0.0063 -0.00527 0.0183 0.00925 0.242 -0.00868 0.0809 0.015
This uses mirt
's MML estimation engine for the two-parameter logistic (2PL) model, but the idea is the same for ltm
and could easily be replicated. As you can see, bias is indeed introduced for all parameters, and the overall precision of the parameter estimates is worse when removing the max/min rows.