I have what seems like a fairly common business statistics scenario: I need to compare one group of stores to another group of stores and be able to say if their difference in sales is statistically different.
For example: Group A ($n_A$ = 30 stores) participated in a promotion and saw an avg sales increase for this month compared to the same month last year of $\bar{x}_A$ and a standard deviation of $s_A$.
Group B ($n_B$ = 50 stores) did not participate in the promotion and had avg sales increase of $\bar{x}_B$ and corresponding $s_B$.
I realize there are a number of other variables but, in theory, I should be able to say with some certainty that there is or isn't any difference between stores that took or did not participate in a promotion, right?
Can I do a standard comparison of means test? Does it make a difference that these stores comprise of the entire population? Or is it not the entire population and I should be looking at average increase for multiple months and multiple years?