Apologies for the rudimentary question. I'm taking on a project at work that's a bit out of my wheelhouse and I want to bounce my ideas off of those more experienced than myself.
We use Salesforce.com at the software company where I work, and I want to identify which lead behaviors (whitepaper downloads, demo views, webinar attendances, etc.) are predictive of those leads turning into qualified sales opportunities. The idea is that we can use this data to create a model, on which we'll base a scoring model going forward. I've identified binary logistic regression, using stepwise selection, as the best choice, based on my research.
Essentially, my thinking is that the dependent variable (opportunity status) is binary (Opportunity = 0, Not an Opportunity = 1), which would indicate that logistic regression would be the best approach. Also, I'm not sure which behaviors and data points will ultimately be predictive of the lead becoming an opportunity, so stepwise selection seems like a good approach.
Can anyone think of a more appropriate analysis technique, or am I on the right track?
in R) are what are recommended if domain-knowledge based model building is difficult. Logistic models are possible with these techniques as well. $\endgroup$