If I have a dataset with a very rare positive class, and I down-sample the negative class, then perform a logistic regression, do I need to adjust the regression coefficients to reflect the fact that I changed the prevalence of the positive class?
For example, let's say I have a dataset with 4 variables: Y, A, B and C. Y, A, and B are binary, C is continuous. For 11,100 observations Y=0, and for 900 Y=1:
n <- 12000
r <- 1/12
A <- sample(0:1, n, replace=TRUE)
B <- sample(0:1, n, replace=TRUE)
C <- rnorm(n)
Y <- ifelse(10 * A + 0.5 * B + 5 * C + rnorm(n)/10 > -5, 0, 1)
I fit a logistic regression to predict Y, given A, B and C.
dat1 <- data.frame(Y, A, B, C)
mod1 <- glm(Y~., dat1, family=binomial)
However, to save time I could remove 10,200 non-Y observations, giving 900 Y=0, and 900 Y=1:
dat2 <- downSample(data.frame(A, B, C), factor(Y), list=FALSE)
mod2 <- glm(Class~., dat2, family=binomial)
The regression coefficients from the 2 models look very similar:
> coef(summary(mod1))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -127.67782 20.619858 -6.191983 5.941186e-10
A -257.20668 41.650386 -6.175373 6.600728e-10
B -13.20966 2.231606 -5.919353 3.232109e-09
C -127.73597 20.630541 -6.191596 5.955818e-10
> coef(summary(mod2))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -167.90178 59.126511 -2.83970391 0.004515542
A -246.59975 4059.733845 -0.06074284 0.951564016
B -16.93093 5.861286 -2.88860377 0.003869563
C -170.18735 59.516021 -2.85952165 0.004242805
Which leads me to believe that the down-sampling did not affect the coefficients. However, this is a single, contrived example, and I'd rather know for sure.
is almost 1. We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the coefficientA
is 0 so we have lost a covariate which is used inmod1
. Isn't this a substantial difference? $\endgroup$