I measured a binary response for each subject in 5 different conditions. For each subject and condition, I replicated the experiment 36 times. I thus have 36 binary values per condition per subject.
I am trying to build a model for those data. I suppose a logistic regression is what I'm looking for, and I am working with the lmer
package. My aim is to check whether the conditions significantly influence the observed values, so I would have two models:
lmH1<-lmer(value~condition, (random effects), data=dataset, family=binomial)
lmH0<-lmer(value~1, (random effects), data=dataset, family=binomial)
By looking at the output from anova(lmH0, lmH1)
, I would be able to determine the significance of the effect of my condition.
I am just not sure what to specify as random effect; the models I defined so far are:
lmH1 <- lmer( value ~ condition + ( 1 | subject ), data = dataSet, family = binomial )
lmH2 <- lmer( value ~ condition + ( 1 | subject/condition ), data = dataSet, family = binomial )
However I am not sure about how lmer handles the replicates, so I don't know whether I should include those replicates in my random effects or not. I could modify the proposed models so that the grouping defined by the random effects refers to a specific binary values instead of a group of binaries values. My new models would then be
lmH1a <- lmer( value ~ condition + ( 1 | subject/(condition:replicate) ), data = dataSet, family = binomial )
lmH2a <- lmer( value ~ condition + ( 1 | subject/condition/replicate ), data = dataSet, family = binomial )
With those models R returns the warning message Number of levels of a grouping factor for the random effects is equal to n, the number of observations
. But the model is still computed.
All 4 models return very similar values for the fixed effects and for the random effects that they have in common (e.g. the subject random effects are very similar for all 4 models and the condition within subject random effects are very similar for lmH2
and lmH2a
How can I check which random effect structure is the most appropriate for my design and collected data?