I'm looking for visualization ideas for the following data:
I have a $10\times 12$ grid of points $(x_i,m_j)$, where the $x_i$ are a set of distances (e.g. 1,2,..., 10 m) and the $m_j$ are the 12 months.
At each $(x_i,m_j)$, I have 4 values $q_1,\ldots,q_4$ which total to 1.
I'm trying to show how the proportion of $q_i$ varies with $x$ and $m$, so that one can see the changes across the months and distance.
To explain with some dummy data (Mathematica):
data = Table[{x m/12, x Tanh[m/6], x/m, x^2/m^2} ~Normalize~ Total, {x, 10}, {m, 12}];
For a single distance, I could do something like
BarChart[First@data, ChartLayout -> "Stacked"]
Or for a single $q_i$, I could do
BarChart[data[[;; , ;; , 1]], ChartLayout -> "Stacked"]
I could perhaps even compress the bars and stack up the 10 different distances (since it's a small number) along the Y axis to show this, but it seems overcrowded. I'm not certain a 3D bubble chart might help either.
Perhaps the simplest solution might be to have 4 plots, each showing how the respective quantity $q_i$ changes... this is certainly an option for me, but I wanted to ask if there are other better alternatives of visualizing the data.