I am applying a mixed model to predict tumor progression (y) using tumor volume (x) as the fixed effect and center ($i=1,...10$) as random intercept. The model can be written as: $$y_{ij}=\alpha+\beta x_{ij}+b_{i}+\epsilon_{ij}$$
I used the lme()
function in R:
fit1 <- lme(PD ~ log(Volume), random = ~1 | CenterID, data=Data)
The result shows that the standard deviation of the random intercept is 0.079. Thus $b_{i}$ follows a normal distribution $N(0,0.079)$.
In the meantime, I can extract the random intercept by applying ranef(fit1)
. This gives a list of $b_{i}$ corresponding to each center. Then I compute the standard of this vector.
I would expect that it gives similar result as 0.079. However, it is far different.
Can someone tell me why sd(ranef(fit1)[[1]])
gives different result than the model output VarCorr(fit1)
? What is exactly the relation between ranef(fit1)
and VarCorr(fit1)