Okay so I think I found a formula for the coefficient estimates but it is not very concise. It has like 6 sum of squares but it is in a single fraction so it is calculable. I was wondering what the simplest formula would be for estimating the coefficients for a linear regression. So say you had the regression equation: $$y = b_0 + b_1 (x-\overline{x}) + b_2 (z-\overline{z}) + \epsilon$$ where $\overline{x}$ and $\overline{z}$ are averages of $x$ and $z$. So (with no use of matrices) what is the simplest formula you can get that involves the first and second sample moments of $y$, $x$ and $z$ for the coefficient estimates ($\hat{b}_1$ and $\hat{b}_2$)?
I just minimized the residual squared and used $s_{xx}$, $s_{xz}$ etc. notation to find the formulas but as I said they are not very nice.