I have three features that I use to solve a classification problem. Originally, these features produced boolean values, so I could evaluate their redundancy by looking at how much the sets of positive and negative classifications overlap. Now I have extended the features to produce real values (scores) instead, and I would like to analyze their redundancy again, but I am at a complete loss on how to do that. Can anyone provide me with a pointer or idea on how to go about that?
I know this question is very vague, that is because I do not have a very strong grasp of statistics. So, if you do not have an answer for me, maybe you have some questions that can help me understand better myself.
Edit: I am currently browsing Wikipedia on the subject, I have the feeling that what I want is a correlation coefficient, but I am still unsure if this is the right approach, and which of the many available coefficients is appropriate.
Edit 2: In the boolean case, I first created for each feature the set of samples for which it was true. Then, the correlation between two features was the size of intersection of these sets over the size of the union of these sets. If this value is 1, they are completely redundant, because always the same. If it is 0, they are never the same.