I have data set that includes:
- multiple animals normalised heart rate
- 2 trials for each animal
- 3 time points per trial
I want to analyse this data by comparing mean heart rate at each time point across trials... So, I have no between subject factor and only within subject factors... This is apparently a two way within-subjects design however I have no idea how to run this in SPSS.
Can anyone help?
Sorry, I should have been more specific....
Animals were tested over two trials. I have taken raw heart rate and normalised it at 0.05 second intervals against the heart rate at the commencement of the each trial. From this, and based on previous literature, I have chosen 3 discrete time points in which to measure heart rate differentials between trials, 1 time point prior to the trial commencement, and two after (2 seconds prior, 2 second after and 7 seconds after).
I am looking to see if trial one, at 2 second after commencement differs from all other time points in both sessions.
Does this help?