I am using Cohen's Kappa to calculate the inter-agreement between two judges.
It is calculated as:
$ \frac{P(A) - P(E)}{1 - P(E)} $
where $P(A)$ is the proportion of agreement and $P(E)$ the probability of agreement by chance.
Now for the following dataset, I get the expected results:
User A judgements:
- 1, true
- 2, false
User B judgements:
- 1, false
- 2, false
Proportion agreed: 0.5
Agreement by chance: 0.625
Kappa for User A and B: -0.3333333333333333
We can see that both judges have not agreed very well. However in the following case where both judges evaluate one criteria, kappa evaluates to zero:
User A judgements:
- 1, false
User B judgements:
- 1, false
Proportion agreed: 1.0
Agreement by chance: 1.0
Kappa for User A and B: 0
Now I can see that the agreement by chance is obviously 1, which leads to kappa being zero, but does this count as a reliable result? The problem is that I normally don't have more than two judgements per criteria, so these will all never evaluate to any kappa greater than 0, which I think is not very representative.
Am I right with my calculations? Can I use a different method to calculate inter-agreement?
Here we can see that kappa works fine for multiple judgements:
User A judgements:
- 1, false
- 2, true
- 3, false
- 4, false
- 5, true
User A judgements:
- 1, true
- 2, true
- 3, false
- 4, true
- 5, false
Proportion agreed: 0.4
Agreement by chance: 0.5
Kappa for User A and B: -0.19999999999999996
tag here. $\endgroup$