I am measuring two unpaired variables $x$ and $y$ in two different conditions ($x$ and $y$ are magnitudes of some special magnetic signals). In the first condition, my hypothesis is that $\bar{x} > \bar{y}$ and in the second condition that $\bar{x} < \bar{y}$. Now that I have $N$ samples from both variables, how can I test whether my hypotheses are true? I am not sure if I can safely assume that $x$ and $y$ are independent from each other. Neither do I know from what kind of distributions they are sampled from. The sample size I have is small. I have read several introductions to statistics for the past few days, but never saw a worked out example for this kind of situations. All help appreciated.
Edit: Like Michael Mayer wrote, there is a binary grouping variable "condition". Sorry for a bit unclear question.