
I was wondering if there is a free tool to build a decision tree in interactive fashion like in SAS Enterprise Mining. I'm used to work with Weka. But nothing fits to my needs. I would like that before splitting every node, the program asks to user which attribute (maybe from a list of the "best" attributes) to choose. I saw that in SAS it is implemented. Should I write some code to get what I want?



2 Answers 2


Try Orange Canvas, it will give you option to build interactive decision tree.


Try the examples under dendrogram. You can make it as interactive as you want.

require(graphics); require(utils)

hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
(dend1 <- as.dendrogram(hc)) # "print()" method
str(dend1)          # "str()" method
str(dend1, max = 2) # only the first two sub-levels

op <- par(mfrow= c(2,2), mar = c(5,2,1,4))
## "triangle" type and show inner nodes:
plot(dend1, nodePar=list(pch = c(1,NA), cex=0.8, lab.cex = 0.8),
      type = "t", center=TRUE)
plot(dend1, edgePar=list(col = 1:2, lty = 2:3),
      dLeaf=1, edge.root = TRUE)
plot(dend1, nodePar=list(pch = 2:1,cex=.4*2:1, col = 2:3), 

Edit 1 ====================================

The interactivity depends on what you want to do. It all comes down to the structure of the data that goes to plot. To make it easier to see what's going on, I'll only use the first 3 lines of data from the above example:

#Use only the first 3 lines from USArrests
(df <- USArrests[1:3,])

#Perform the hc analysis
(hcdf <- hclust(dist(df), "ave"))

#Plot the results

#Look at the names of hcdf

#Look at the structure of hcdf

The next segment is the output of the above dput statement. This structure tells plot how to draw the tree.

structure(list(merge = structure(c(-1L, -3L, -2L, 1L), .Dim = c(2L,
2L)), height = c(37.1770090243957, 54.8004107236398), order = c(3L,
1L, 2L), labels = c("Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona"), method = "average",
   call = hclust(d = dist(df), method = "ave"), dist.method = "euclidean"),
.Names = c("merge", "height", "order", "labels", "method", "call", "dist.method"),
class = "hclust")

enter image description here

You can easily change the data and see what plot does. Just copy/paste the structure statement from your screen and assign it to a new variable, make your changes, and plot it.

newvar <- structure(list(merge = structure(c(-1L, -3L, -2L, 1L), .Dim = c(2L, 2L)), height = c(37.1770090243957, 54.8004107236398), order = c(3L, 1L, 2L), labels = c("Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona"), method = "average",     call = hclust(d = dist(df), method = "ave"), dist.method = "euclidean"), .Names = c("merge", "height", "order", "labels", "method", "call", "dist.method"), class = "hclust")


As far as making the clustering more interactive, you'll have to explore the different methods and determine what you want to do.





  • $\begingroup$ This is a nice example showing how little code is required in R to visualize decision trees in different ways. But, it is not clear to me how this would be made "...as interactive as you want". For the sake of people like me who are not strong R coders, can you say more about how the interactivity is accomplished? $\endgroup$ Commented May 31, 2011 at 13:47
  • $\begingroup$ @Josh, I updated my answer above. $\endgroup$
    – bill_080
    Commented May 31, 2011 at 19:37

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