I have a 3 by 2 design, with a total of 6 conditions. The outcome is binary (0 or 1). Below is a sample dataset generated in R
mockdata<-data.frame(outcome=sample(1:0, 48, prob=c(0.5, 0.5), replace=TRUE),
f1=rep(letters[1:2], each=24),
f2=rep(letters[1:3], each=8))
# outcome f1 f2
#1 0 a a
#2 1 a a
#3 1 a a
#4 0 a a
#5 1 a a
#6 1 a a
One of the things I would like to look at is whether the log-odds of the outcome for each of the 6 conditions is significantly different from 0. I can create a new condition variable as follows:
mockdata$f12 <- paste(mockdata$f1, mockdata$f2, sep=".")
then, I can do logistic regression using the newly created variable (see below for output). The intercept below tells me that for the condition that is treated as the baseline condition, the log-odds is not significant different 0.
My questions are:
(1). to check the other conditions, should I simply change the baseline condition, and after testing all 6 conditions, I adjust the p-values accordingly?
(2). Are there better ways of testing what I want to test?
summary(glm(outcome ~f12, family="binomial", data=mockdata))
glm(formula = outcome ~ f12, family = "binomial", data = mockdata)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.6651 -1.1774 -0.5168 1.0215 2.0393
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.1412 0.3281 -0.430 0.6669
f121 0.6520 0.6806 0.958 0.3380
f122 0.1412 0.6641 0.213 0.8316
f123 -0.3696 0.6806 -0.543 0.5871
f124 -1.8047 0.9325 -1.935 0.0530 .
f125 1.2398 0.7430 1.669 0.0952 .
I would also like to check how the log-odds differ amongst the different conditions. For that, I was gonna just run a regular logistic regression with the main effects of f1 and f2, and the interaction of the two, and conduct additional multiple comparisons dependent on the kind of result I get from the omnibus test.