I want to run a simulation in which I want to find out whether there is a relation between the independent variable $x_t$ and the dependent variable $y_t$. I.e., in the following regression I want to find out if $\beta$ is signficantly different from zero:
$$ y_t = \beta x_t + \epsilon_t. $$
In empirical data, $y_t$ is stationary, but close to a random walk.I want to model it as an AR(1) process. Of course, I could just model $x_t$ as an AR(1) process and if $\beta$ is different from zero, $y_t$ would end up as such a process as well. However, I also want to consider the case in which $\beta=0$ and I don't want to confuse the reader with changing descriptions for different scenarios (i.e., "if $\beta=1$ I simulate $y_t$ from the above equation, if $\beta=0$, I simulate $y_t$ as an AR(1) process.")
I came up with the following solution to this dilemma. Why not model both $y_t$ and $x_t$ as AR(1) processes with potentially correlated errors. That is:
$$ y_{t+1} = \tau_y y_t + u_{t+1}, \quad 0 < \tau_y < 1, \quad u_{t+1} \sim N(0, \sigma_u^2) $$ and $$ x_{t+1} = \tau_x x_t + v_{t+1} , \quad 0 < \tau_x < 1, \quad v_{t+1} \sim N(0, \sigma_{v}^2), $$
$$ cov\left(\begin{bmatrix} v_{t+1} \\ u_{t+1} \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} v_{t+1} & u_{t+1} \end{bmatrix}\right) = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_v^2 & \sigma_{v} \sigma_u \rho_{u,v} \\ \sigma_{v} \sigma_u \rho_{u,v} & \sigma_u^2 \end{bmatrix} $$
Since $\beta = \frac{Cov(y, x)}{\sigma_x^2}$ and
$$ \begin{aligned} Cov(y, x) &= E[y_{t+1}x_{t+1}] \\ &= E[(\tau_y y_t + u_{t+1})(\tau_x x_t + v_{t+1})] \\ &= \tau_y \tau_x E[y_t x_t] + E[u_{t+1} v_{t+1}] \\ &= \tau_y \tau_x Cov(y, x) + \sigma_{u} \sigma_{v} \rho_{v, u} \\ \end{aligned} $$
we get by rearranging
$$ \beta = \frac{\sigma_u}{\sigma_{v}}\rho_{v, u} \frac{1 - \tau_x^2}{1-\tau_x \tau_y}. $$
Fair enough, this is a little bit complicated, but it allows me to control $\beta$ without changing the structure of either $y_t$ or $x_t$ and both those processes are AR(1) in this setup.
I basically have two questions:
- Is this a reasonable approach given the requirement that preferably both $x_t$ and $y_t$ should be AR(1) processes. The interpretation of the relation should really be just like in a simple OLS setup, i.e. has $x_t$ an impact on $y_t$ (I'm not concerned about causality here, just relation). Would you consider my setup still as a reasonable way of modelling it? (I just don't make a direct link, but use the error structure for that. I don't see a problem with this approach. If $x_t$ and $y_t$ are related via correlated shocks, so be it.)
I already simulated this and it works fine. However, I also want to obtain correct confidence intervals for each run. That is, I want to run the regression in the first equation, get $\widehat{\beta}$ and also standard errors that should be reasonable. Now I noticed that the errors are highly autocorrelated and this autocorrelation seems to be identical to $\tau_y$. However, I could not formalize it. So it would be great to know how I would have to adjust the standard errors. (It would be extra awesome if I could get a hint how to implement that in R.)
set.seed(123) library(MASS) ### Set start values nrT <- 1e5 burnin <- 1e3 sd_y_shock <- 1 sd_x_shock <- 1 corr_x_y <- 0.5 tau_y <- 0.8 tau_x <- 0.1 ### Simulate the correlated shocks shocks <- mvrnorm(nrT + burnin, mu = c(0,0), Sigma = matrix(c(sd_y_shock^2, corr_x_y * sd_y_shock * sd_x_shock, corr_x_y * sd_y_shock * sd_x_shock, sd_x_shock^2), nrow=2)) vec_y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = tau_y), n = nrT + burnin, innov = shocks[, 1]) vec_x <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = tau_x), n = nrT + burnin, innov = shocks[,2]) ### Check that formula derived above is correct; the two should be similar sd_y_shock/sd_x_shock * corr_x_y * (1 - tau_x^2)/(1 - tau_x * tau_y) coef(lm(vec_y ~ vec_x))[2] ### Plot ACF # Note that, independent from corr_x_y and tau_x, the autocorrelation structure seems # always to be tau_y acf(lm(vec_y ~ vec_x)$resid)