The law of total variance is the easiest way to do this. But there are several occasions when we don't know how many random variables we are dealing with (e.g. branching processes such as Galton-Watson, birth-death processes, queues) where probability-generating functions are a useful technique. It is possible to derive mean and variance using the PGF, so I want to demonstrate how this can serve as an alternative. Why bother? One motivation is that this method will generalize easily to find any factorial moment, and hence any moment, of distribution.
A few general results: a PGF $G_X(z)=\mathbb{E}(z^X)$ has $\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G_X(z)=\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, \mathbb{E}(z^X)=1$. Factorial moments are found by taking the limit of the appropriate derivative of the PGF as $z$ goes to 1 from below. So for a random variable $X$:
\mathbb{E}(X) &=& \lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G'_X(z)\\
\mathbb{E}(X(X-1)) &=& \lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G''_X(z)\\
\mathbb{E}(X(X-1)(X-2)) &=& \lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G'''_X(z)
And so on for higher moments. The key here is that if $S_N=\sum_{i=1}^N X_i$ with iid $X_i$ then $G_{S_N}(z)=G_N(G_X(z))$. Proof:
G_{S_N}(z) &=& \mathbb{E}_N(\mathbb{E}(z^{\sum_{i=1}^N X_i})) &=& \mathbb{E}_N(\mathbb{E}(\prod_{i=1}^N z^{X_i})) &=& \mathbb{E}_N(\prod_{i=1}^N (\mathbb{E}(z^{X_i})) \\
&=& \mathbb{E}_N(\prod_{i=1}^N G_X(z)) &=& \mathbb{E}_N(G_X(z)^N) &=& G_N(G_X(z))
Also note $\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G_X(z)=\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G_N(z)=1$, $\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G'_X(z)=\mu_X$, $\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G'_N(z)=\mu_N$, $\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G''_X(z)=\mathbb{E}(X^2-X)=\sigma_X^2+\mu_X^2-\mu_X$ and $\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G''_N(z)=\sigma_N^2+\mu_N^2-\mu_N$.
Since $G_{S_N}(z)=G_N(G_X(z))$ we can use the chain rule to find the mean and variance of $S_N$:
\mathbb{E}(S_N) &=& \lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, \frac{d}{dz}G_N(G_X(z))=\lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, G'_X(z)G'_N(G_X(z))=\mu_X \mu_N\\
\mathbb{E}(S_N(S_N-1)) &=& \lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, \frac{d^2}{dz^2}G_N(G_X(z))\\
\mathbb{E}(S_N^2-S_N) &=& \lim_{z\uparrow 1}\, \left(G''_X(z)G'_N(G_X(z))+G'_X(z)^2 G''_N(G_X(z))\right) \\
\mathbb{E}(S_N^2)-\mu_X \mu_N &=& (\sigma_X^2+\mu_X^2-\mu_X)(\mu_N)+(\mu_X)^2(\sigma_N^2+\mu_N^2-\mu_N) \\
\mathbb{E}(S_N^2) &=& \mu_N \sigma_X^2 + \mu_X^2 \sigma_N^2 + \mu_X^2 \mu_N^2 \\
\operatorname{Var}(S_N) &=& \mathbb{E}(S_N^2)-\mathbb{E}(S_N)^2=\mu_N \sigma_X^2 + \mu_X^2 \sigma_N^2 + \mu_X^2 \mu_N^2-(\mu_X \mu_N)^2 \\
\operatorname{Var}(S_N) &=& \mu_N \sigma_X^2 + \mu_X^2 \sigma_N^2
It's a little gruesome and there's no doubt the law of total variance is easier. But if the standard results are taken for granted, this is only a couple of lines of algebra and calculus, and I've given more detail than some of the other answers which makes it look worse than it is. If you wanted the higher moments, this is a viable approach.