That's known as nonzero centered ridge regression and can be achieved by row-augmenting your covariate matrix X
with a diagonal matrix with sqrt(lambdas)
along the diagonal and concatenating prior.mean * sqrt(lambdas)
to your outcome variable, where prior.mean
is the desired target values towards which your coefficients should be shrunk and lambdas
is the vector with the desired L2 ridge penalty on your coefficients; and then performing an ordinary least-squares regression of the (row-augmented) target vector on the (row-augmented) matrix X
. See and references therein. You can also compare with this post for the same recipe for a regular zero-centered ridge regression.
For your example:
First, generate some example data:
# Number of observations
n <- 100
# Generate some correlated variables
X1 <- rnorm(n, mean = 5)
X2 <- X1 + rnorm(n, mean = 1)
X3 <- X1 + rnorm(n, mean = -1)
X4 <- X1 + rnorm(n, mean = -5)
# Make a covariate matrix X
X <- cbind(X1, X2, X3, X4)
# Generate a response y
y <- 5*X1 + X2 - X3 - 5*X4 + rnorm(n)
# This is our center (the coefficients we believe are "true", ie the mean of our implicit Gaussian prior)
prior.mean <- c(5, 1, -1, -5)
Next, we can apply a non-zero centered ridge regression. Note that lambda
is a regularization parameter and would typically be chosen via cross-validation:
# Regularization parameter
# note: you can use a vector of lambda values if you would like
# to penalize different coefficients to different extents
# (e.g. penalty on intercept is usually set to zero)
lambda <- 100
# Number of features
p <- ncol(X)
# Augment X
X_augmented <- rbind(X, diag(sqrt(lambda), p))
# Augment y
y_augmented <- c(y, prior.mean * sqrt(lambda))
# Solve nonzero centered ridge regression as this least squares problem
beta <- solve(t(X_augmented) %*% X_augmented, t(X_augmented) %*% y_augmented)
So in other words all we need to do to solve this nonzero centered least-square ridge regression is solve a least square problem but with some extra observations added. We can do this just using a regular linear model (lm
), so no need even to use any fancy ridge regression package like ridge or glmnet :
lm(y_augmented ~ X_augmented)
For example if we would set lambda
to zero we would then get the standard (zero intercept) least square result
X1 5.1977104
X2 0.8903286
X3 -1.0616111
X4 -5.1220296
but with a lambda
of 100 we would get values shrunken more towards the center of your Gaussian prior (nonzero centered ridge regression is in a Bayesian sense equivalent to the MAP estimate with a nonzero-centered Gaussian prior, while standard ridge regression would be equivalent to using a zero-centered Gaussian prior).
X1 5.0477868
X2 0.9773907
X3 -1.0079250
X4 -5.0728437
Adjusting the response to shrink towards your prior mean comes down to the same thing:
y_star <- y - X %*% prior.mean
X_aug <- rbind(X, diag(sqrt(lambda), ncol(X)))
y_aug_star <- c(y_star, rep(0, ncol(X)))
beta_star <- solve(t(X_aug) %*% X_aug, t(X_aug) %*% y_aug_star)
beta <- beta_star + matrix(prior.mean, nrow = length(prior.mean), ncol = 1)
Some of the maths behind this: the objective function for standard (zero-centered) Ridge Regression is:
argmin(β) [(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ) + λβᵀβ]
This corresponds to a zero-centered Gaussian prior for β.
To consider a non-zero centered Ridge Regression, we adjust the objective function to center at a given target γ:
argmin(β) [(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ) + λ(β - γ)ᵀ(β - γ)]
Now, let's reformulate this as a least squares problem:
If we define z = [y; γ*sqrt(λ)] and W = [X; sqrt(λ)I], where I is the identity matrix, the problem becomes:
argmin(β) [(z - Wβ)ᵀ(z - Wβ)]
To see this, we can expand out the terms:
argmin(β) [(z - Wβ)ᵀ(z - Wβ)]
= argmin(β) [zᵀz - zᵀWβ - βᵀWᵀz + βᵀWᵀWβ]
= argmin(β) [(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ) + γᵀγλ - 2γᵀβλ + βᵀβλ]
= argmin(β) [(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ) + λ(β - γ)ᵀ(β - γ)]
Therefore, solving the least squares problem with z = [y; γ*sqrt(λ)] and W = [X; sqrt(λ)I] corresponds to solving the non-zero centered Ridge Regression problem. The regularization term now encourages the coefficients to be close to γ instead of zero.
In a Bayesian context, the standard Ridge regression minimizes the negative log posterior, which is equivalent to minimizing:
[(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ) + λβᵀβ]
This can be viewed as the sum of the negative log likelihood [(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ)] and the negative log prior λβᵀβ, where λβᵀβ corresponds to the log of a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and variance 1/λ.
If you move to a non-zero centered Ridge regression, you're effectively changing the prior to a Gaussian distribution that is centered around a non-zero mean. Specifically, for a center γ, the new objective function becomes:
[(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ) + λ(β - γ)ᵀ(β - γ)]
Which is equivalent to minimizing the sum of the negative log likelihood [(y - Xβ)ᵀ(y - Xβ)] and the negative log prior λ(β - γ)ᵀ(β - γ). Here, λ(β - γ)ᵀ(β - γ) corresponds to the log of a Gaussian distribution with mean γ and variance 1/λ.
(Full disclosure: this is a ChatGPT4 based answer, but I verified everything for correctness, i.e. I tested the code & checked the maths)