I have the list of time series. I am fitting these series with the formula $$y=ax^2\exp(b*x)$$. It should be noted that parameter $b$ in the formula must be negative as this reflects the behaviour of time series. An example plot for the fitted regression output using nls()
in R is:
Initially, I was faced with the problem of choosing start values for $a$ and $b$. I chose such values so that the fitted value evaluated at the maximum for $y$ is the same.
However with some time series I faced with the next problem. Let's consider this time series:
When applying my methodology, nls()
gave me a positive value of $b$ which is unsatisfactory for me although the fitted values were highly concordant. However when I tried to introduce boundaries in the nls()
function such as upper(a=10,b=-0.0001)
, I found that no matter what value of $b$ I put, the resulting value of $b$ does not converge to any stable value and the fitted curve is highly discordant. Numerically, the parameters were consistent with what I expected to find, but the fitted values were uncalibrated.
Can anybody give any suggestions of how can I deal with such time series without changing the general formula? Thanks!