How can I show that, $U$ and $V$, two independent uniform $(-1,1)$ random variables have a conditional distribution, given that $U^2 + V^2 <1$, that takes the form:
$$f_{U,V|U^2+V^2<1} (u,v|w<1) =1/{\pi}, \quad u^2+v^2<1$$
I tried using the CDF technique for $W=U^2+V^2$
$$ \frac{P\left[ U^2+V^2 \leq w , U^2+V^2 <1 \right]}{P \left[ U^2+V^2<1 \right]}=P \frac{\left[ U^2+V^2 \leq w \right]}{\frac{\pi}{4}}$$
because the event $[U^2+V^2 \leq w] \subset [U^2+V^2<1] $
But after that, I am stuck as even if I was to evaluate the double integral at the numerator, it does not seem that I would get the required distribution. Any hints? Thank you.