I have a model created by the coxph function and I checked the proportionality of hazards using cox.zph function.
coxph(formula = Surv(OS, OSCheck) ~ Age + Sex + Gradeofhistology +
RTCT + PathologicalTstage + PathologicalNstage + Residualtumor +
ChemotherapyCyclesadjuvant + RTunexpectedinterruptiondaysduetomedicalreasonspostoper,
data = dataset.IMP.1)
n= 1798, number of events= 428
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
Age 0.016781 1.016923 0.004548 3.690 0.000224
Sex 0.218564 1.244289 0.100215 2.181 0.029186
Gradeofhistology 0.483098 1.621089 0.105719 4.570 4.89e-06
RTCT -0.309947 0.733485 0.111247 -2.786 0.005334
PathologicalTstage 0.424244 1.528435 0.126524 3.353 0.000799
PathologicalNstage 0.626894 1.871787 0.067099 9.343 < 2e-16
Residualtumor 0.655163 1.925455 0.088111 7.436 1.04e-13
ChemotherapyCyclesadjuvant -0.054194 0.947248 0.015549 -3.485 0.000492
RTunexpectedinterruption 0.016878 1.017021 0.005063 3.333 0.000858
Concordance= 0.719 (se = 0.015 )
Rsquare= 0.127 (max possible= 0.964 )
Likelihood ratio test= 244.6 on 9 df, p=0
Wald test = 279.2 on 9 df, p=0
Score (logrank) test = 319.5 on 9 df, p=0
Three of the nine significant covariates in the output seem not to follow the proportionality assumption
rho chisq p
Age 0.0122 0.0684 7.94e-01
Sex 0.0618 1.6171 2.03e-01
Gradeofhistology -0.1836 14.7069 1.26e-04
RTCT -0.0197 0.1723 6.78e-01
PathologicalTstage 0.0205 0.1847 6.67e-01
PathologicalNstage -0.1006 4.4607 3.47e-02
Residualtumor -0.0669 1.9260 1.65e-01
ChemotherapyCyclesadjuvant 0.1314 7.5641 5.95e-03
RTunexpectedinterruptiondaysduetomedicalreasonspostoper -0.0199 0.2091 6.48e-01
NA 34.9298 6.13e-05
like this one in the picture It seems that this covariate (like the others not following the PH assumption) affects the value of coefficient above all in the first 2 years of follow-up and thereafter the value becomes less important. I have created another model using a time transformation but I would like to test the PH assumptions for the time transformed covariates. cox.zph doesn't seem to go (it gives an error) for the evaluation of time transformed covariates Cox PH model. How can I do it?