I would like to test the effects of two categorical variables, each with 3 levels, on some continuous data. Three groups of participants completed the same task for 3 types of stimuli, so it's a 3x3 repeated measures design. I'm using lme. The fixed-effects part of the model is the interaction between participant group ("play") and stimuli ("ins"), and the random-effects part is subject grouped within stimulus category.
contrasts(iqr$ins) <- contr.sum(3)
contrasts(iqr$play) <- contr.sum(3)
iqr.lme <- lme(iqr ~ play*ins, random = ~1|subject/ins, data = iqr)
I'm using sum contrasts and would like to see comparisons between each level of the "play" and "ins" variables. In other words, I would like to use a contrast matrix for each variable that looks like the one below. If I understand correctly, -1 is the reference level and 1 is the level compared to it. Specifying contr.sum only results in contrasts for the first two columns being given, however.
[,1] [,2] [,3]
clarinet 1 0 1
piano 0 1 -1
violin -1 -1 0
Here is the fixed effects part of the summary output:
Fixed effects: iqr ~ play + ins + play * ins
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 2.9768519 0.11599299 66 25.664066 0.0000
play1 -0.0185185 0.16403886 33 -0.112891 0.9108
play2 0.2037037 0.16403886 33 1.241801 0.2231
ins1 0.1342593 0.09005357 66 1.490882 0.1408
ins2 -0.3240741 0.09005357 66 -3.598681 0.0006
play1:ins1 -0.3009259 0.12735498 66 -2.362891 0.0211
play2:ins1 0.0601852 0.12735498 66 0.472578 0.6381
play1:ins2 0.1574074 0.12735498 66 1.235974 0.2208
play2:ins2 -0.1481481 0.12735498 66 -1.163269 0.2489
If I understand correctly, ins1 is the contrast for clarinet vs. violin (using the contrast matrix above), and ins2 is the contrast for piano vs. violin. The problem is that I would also like to see a contrast for clarinet vs. piano.
My solution was to run a second model using a contrast matrix that I specified myself. I thought this would give me the missing contrast and replicate the clarinet vs. violin values from the original output.
cst1 <- cbind(c(-1,1,0), c(-1,0,1))
contrasts(iqr$ins) <- cst1
contrasts(iqr$play) <- cst1
iqr.lme <- lme(iqr ~ play*ins, random = ~1|subject/ins, data = iqr)
[,1] [,2]
clarinet -1 -1
piano 1 0
violin 0 1
Here, ins1 should correspond to clarinet vs. piano, right? But the values are the same as the ins2 contrast in my original output, indicating that the contrast matrix I specified was blatantly ignored and ins1 instead corresponds to piano vs. violin. The values for play2 and ins2 are new, and I could just assume that they indicate the contrast that was missing from the original output, but I would really rather understand what is going on than base my results on dubious assumptions!
Fixed effects: iqr ~ play * ins
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 2.9768519 0.11599299 66 25.664066 0.0000
play1 0.2037037 0.16403886 33 1.241801 0.2231
play2 -0.1851852 0.16403886 33 -1.128910 0.2671
ins1 -0.3240741 0.09005357 66 -3.598681 0.0006
ins2 0.1898148 0.09005357 66 2.107799 0.0389
play1:ins1 -0.1481481 0.12735498 66 -1.163269 0.2489
play2:ins1 -0.0092593 0.12735498 66 -0.072704 0.9423
play1:ins2 0.0879630 0.12735498 66 0.690691 0.4922
play2:ins2 -0.2314815 0.12735498 66 -1.817608 0.0737
Am I misunderstanding how contrast matrices are read or specified? Or is there actually a way to get all the contrasts I want listed at once? I am fairly new to R and very new to nlme, so I could very well be missing something obvious. I hope this is enough information for someone to be able to help. Thanks a lot!