Thanks for taking the time to read this I'm new to Machine Learning and so am going through a Kaggle competition to help me improve but I have a question. How can I compare different classifiers?? My Python isn't as neat as I would like it to be but i think it's correct. Please let me know if I'm doing something strange
train = pca(train)
cfr = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=neighbours, algorithm="kd_tree")
cv = cross_validation.KFold(len(train), n_folds=10, indices=True)
results = []
i = 0
count =0
for traincv, testcv in cv:
ClassPred =[traincv], target[traincv]).predict(train[testcv])
for j in range(0,(len(train)/10)):
labelindex = testcv[j]
if (ClassPred[j] == target[labelindex]):
i = i+1
accuracy = (i/2000.0)*100
count = count + 1
print "accuracy for fold", count, " : ", accuracy,"%"
print "time after fold", count, " : ", elspasedfold,"%"
elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
#print out the mean of the cross-validated results
print "Results for RBF, c = 10.0, gamma=0.1 \n" + str(np.array(results).mean())
print "Time taken is %ds" % elapsed`.
As you can see I'm doing 10 fold cross validation on the training data and hopefully producing an 'accuracy' value out of the other end. My question here is how can I compare different classifiers?? If I choose cfr as a different classifier (e.g. Random Forest) and get a value for that how do i statistically compare the two?
My initial thoughts are to use a two-tailed t-test on the values for each fold (so 10 values per classifier) instead of just taking using the one value it currently outputs, which I think is an average of all the folds combined. I would need to then get a p-value to see if the differences are significant. I am not sure how I would go about implementing this however or if this is the correct thing to do. My stats is a little patchy (Which I'm working on) but any help anyone can give me would be much appreciated.
So to clarify, using python and sci-kit what would be the best way to compare the performance of different classifiers on my data? Thanks!
EDIT: The tutorial assessment criteria is that 10 fold cross validation must be used.