I have been struggling with this for weeks now. All EP examples that I have found on the net seem to deal with univariate priors and I am really at a loss as to how to make it work with a multivariate prior. The scenario is as follows: I am trying to estimate a bunch of parameters where the prior over these parameters form a multivariate Gaussian with off diagonal covariance terms. The likelihood can be written down as a product over individual likelihood for each of these parameters. So, the equation is as follows:
$$ P(w|y) = \frac{1}{Z}P(w)\prod_iP(y_i|w_i) $$
where $y$ is the observed data and $w$ are the parameters I am trying to estimate. So, when I want to perform inference on this using EP, what should be done with $P(w)$. $P(w)$ is a multivariate Gaussian with 0 mean and a dense covariance matrix. So, at some point I will have to multiply terms between $P(w)$ and $P(y_i|w_i)$ or some similar approximates of it (but the forms are very different). So effectively to compute the functional form of the posterior, I am multiplying a multivariate Gaussian ($P(w)$) with a univariate Gaussian function ($\prod_i{q(y_i|w_i)}$) where $q(y_i|w_i)$ are the approximating factors. How can this be achieved? Does $P(w)$ need to be broken down as well? I am not sure how to make this work.