Although I know how to calculate many of the statistical values, I have some difficulties understanding which one should I use in a specific situation. Here is my example:
In my experiment I tried to find out how fast does the Water evaporate from 8 different nonvowen Materials. To achieve this I prepared 4 Testobject's for each Material (that makes a total of 32) and moisturized them. Afterwards i let them dry in a controled enviroment (Laboratory was airconditioned and the Temperature and rel. air humidity was recorded). Every hour I measured the weight of each Testobject. I calculated the relation betwen weight of water and weight of a dry Testobject to be able to compare the results to each other and presented them in a diagram (Water/dry ratio to time diagramm). I made a linear Trendline for each of 32 Testobjects with gaussian least square method. The slope of the Graph represents the Evaporative rate per hour of a given Object. I used Excel to calculate.
I can approximate the observational error for measured Weight and the corresponding measurement time. Given that
-calculated trendline is defined as:
$ m = a \times t + b$
-the measured weight and time are
$m_{i}$ and $t_{i}$
and the vertikal distance between measured data and the trendline is defined as:
$ e_{i} = a \times t_{i} + b - m_{i}$
one can calculate the error of the slope a
with following equation:
So here comes my problem: I have 4 trendlines for each material with 4 slopes each. I calculated an average for each material. All of the slopes have their error. Also each average has its statistical dispersion. I would like to presents those averages with some kind of +- range, like standard deviation or something. What kind of measure of statistical dispersion should i use?