Recall the perceptron algorithm:
cycle through all points until convergence
$\text{if }\, y^{(t)} \neq \theta^{T}x^{(t)} + \theta_0\,\{\\ \quad \theta^{(k+1)} = \theta^{k} + y^{(t)}x^{(t)}\\ \}$
I was studying a modification to to the update rule such that the new update rule is:
$\theta^{(k+1)} = \theta^{k} + \eta_k y^{(t)}x^{(t)}\\$
$\eta_k = \frac{ Loss (y^{(k)} \theta^{(k)} \cdot x^{(k)} ) }{\left \| x^{(k)} \right \|^2}$
and the loss function was the hinge loss. i.e:
$Loss(y^{(k)} \theta^{(k)} \cdot x^{(k)}) = max\{0, 1-y^{(k)} \theta^{(k)} \cdot x^{(k)}\}$
I was trying to understand the new weight $\eta_k$ and understand why it was the way it was. I think intuitively I can see why the hinge loss is being used because the least confident we are about our prediction, the higher the loss value it will give it (since we are more concerned of correcting that specific example I guess...), however, I was not sure what the denominator was doing. It seems to me it's some kind of an attempt to normalize the step-size or the weight, but was unsure how to interpret it. However, I was not 100% sure why the numerator was the way it was and any additional insight on either/both would be appreciated!