I am wondering if there is a way to interpret an interaction term from the coefficients rather than just looking at the survival curves?
The factors involved are A, B, and C, which are all binary coded (0,1). I therefore have 8 treatment groups (and survival curves).
1. a0:b0:c0
2. a1:b0:c0
3. a1:b1:c0
4. a1:b1:c1
5. a1:b0:c1
6. a0:b1:c0
7. a0:b0:c1
8. a0:b1:c1
The significant 3-way interaction tells me survival depends on the combination of A B and C - but how do I tell which combination? For example how is treatment 7 different from 8, or 1 from 3.... etc.? Is it possible to work out the HR for c when both a and b are 1 (comparing groups 3 & 4)?
exp(coef) z p
a1 0.85 -0.46 0.650
b1 1.07 0.19 0.848
c1 0.83 -0.53 0.598
a1:b1 1.96 0.42 0.157
a1:c1 2.39 1.83 0.066
b1:c1 2.89 2.32 0.030*
a1:b1:c1 0.18 -2.67 0.008*