So I am running a Least Squares Dummy Variable Regression (LSDV1) involving data from 21 states observed 3 times (2007, 2008, 2009) and dropping one of the dummy value states. I have 8 independent variables that I am seeking to use (ENTER method).
When I regress I find two strange things: 1) 7 of the 8 independent variables are excluded 2) 1 of my 20 states (21 - 1 dummy dropped) is excluded, too
UPDATE: Changed IV to independent variable
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .883a .780 .676 .07702
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression .886 20 .044 7.466 .000b
Residual .249 42 .006
Total 1.135 62
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .854 .080 10.694 .000
EducationandTrainingActivities .024 .021 .202 1.126 .267 .162 6.180
StateIsAlaska .024 .076 .039 .322 .749 .363 2.751
StateIsArizona .109 .055 .173 1.971 .055 .675 1.481
StateIsArkansas -.333 .063 -.529 -5.302 .000 .525 1.905
StateIsCalifornia -.108 .055 -.172 -1.956 .057 .675 1.481
StateIsDelaware -.307 .055 -.487 -5.532 .000 .675 1.481
StateIsFlorida -.063 .055 -.101 -1.144 .259 .675 1.481
StateIsIdaho .060 .063 .095 .950 .347 .525 1.905
StateIsIllinois .049 .055 .078 .890 .379 .675 1.481
StateIsIndiana .061 .063 .097 .967 .339 .525 1.905
StateIsKansas .045 .063 .071 .715 .479 .525 1.905
StateIsKentucky .019 .063 .030 .300 .765 .525 1.905
StateIsMichigan .080 .055 .127 1.440 .157 .675 1.481
StateIsMissouri -.031 .055 -.049 -.561 .578 .675 1.481
StateIsNewJersey .115 .063 .182 1.823 .075 .525 1.905
StateIsNorthCarolina .043 .055 .068 .772 .444 .675 1.481
StateIsUtah .047 .076 .075 .626 .535 .363 2.751
StateIsVermont .107 .055 .170 1.932 .060 .675 1.481
StateIsVirginia .020 .076 .032 .266 .791 .363 2.751
StateIsWashington .083 .055 .132 1.495 .142 .675 1.481
Excluded Variablesa
Model Beta In t Sig. Partial Correlation Collinearity Statistics
1 ManagementActivities .b . . . .000
PersonnelServices .b . . . .000
PlanningandResearchActivities .b . . . .000
InformationSystemActivities .b . . . .000
SupportServices .b . . . .000
FinanceandBudgetActivities .b . . . .000
PublicInformationandLiaisonActivities .b . . . .000
StateIsTexas .b . . . .000