When evaluating a regression model with cross-validation I thought that the meaningful measure would be MSE divided by the MSE of the null model which consists of always predicting the mean, $\frac{\hat E[(y-\hat{y})^2]}{\hat E[(y-\bar{y})^2]}$. This is 1 if the model does not add anything, and 0 if the prediction is perfect (and can even be greater than 1 if the model is actively harmful), To make it more interpretable, I can flip it around:
$1 - \frac{\hat E[(y-\hat{y})^2]}{\hat E[(y-\bar{y})^2]}$.
This can even be negative if the prediction is worse than the null model.
I have seen people use
$1 - \frac{\rm{var}(y-\hat{y})}{\rm{var}(y)}$
and calling it explained variance, but this seems too generous for the model as it does not penalize it for additive or multiplicative biases.
What is the measure I have above called? Is there a reason why it is not used or have I just missed the relevant examples?