I just have a quick question about MLE.
Sometimes, when doing MLE problems, I see that the variance expression gotten from the inverse of the Fisher Information is exactly like what it should be and sometimes it isn't. Is there a reason that for some distributions this method is exact? Also, why is it that for some distributions, for example like $geom0(\pi)$, is it difficult to find an exact formula for $var(\tilde\pi)$?
Thanks so much for your help!
$Geom0(\pi)$ is the geometric distribution where the PMF is $(1-\pi)^y\pi$ where $y=0,1,2,...\infty$ as opposed to $Geom1(\pi)$ where the PMF is $(1-\pi)^{(y-1)}\pi$ where $y=1,2,...\infty$. Sorry for the confusion!