Your model and its estimates posit that
$$\sqrt{Y} = 2.1014 D - 3.0147 + \varepsilon$$
where $D$ is Dose.Back
(or its logarithm) and $\varepsilon$ is a random variable of zero expectation whose standard deviation is approximately $16.28.$ Squaring both sides gives
$$Y = (2.1014 D - 3.0147 + \varepsilon)^2.$$
Adding $0.01$ to $D$ yields the value
$$(2.1014 (D + 0.01) - 3.0147 + \varepsilon')^2.$$
The difference is
$$2(2.1014 D - 3.0147 + \varepsilon)(\varepsilon' - \varepsilon + (0.01)(2.1014)) + (\varepsilon' - \varepsilon + (0.01)(2.1014))^2.$$
This expression, as well as its expectation, are complicated. Let us therefore focus on the simpler question of how the expectation of $Y$ varies with $D$. Note that
\mathbb{E}(Y) &= \mathbb{E}\left(2.1014 D - 3.0147 + \varepsilon\right)^2 \\
&= (2.1014D - 3.0147)^2 + 2(2.1014D - 3.0147) \mathbb{E}(\varepsilon) + \mathbb{E}(\varepsilon^2) \\
&=(2.1014D - 3.0147)^2 + 0 + (16.28)^2.
(This result is of considerable interest in its own right because it reveals the role played by the mean squared error in interpreting the relationship between $D$ and $Y$.)
When $0.01$ is added to $D$ the value of $\mathbb{E}(Y)$ increases by
$$2(2.1014)(2.1014D - 3.0147)(0.01) + 2.1014(0.01)^2.$$
The last term $2.1014(0.01)^2 \approx 0.0002$ is so small compared to the squared errors (with their typical value of $16.28$) that we may neglect it. In this case, to a good approximation, this fitted model associates an (additive) increase in $D$ of $0.01$ with an increase in $Y$ of
$$2(2.1014)(2.1014D - 3.0147)(0.01) = 0.0883176 D - 0.126.$$
When $D$ is the natural logarithm of some quantity $d$, a 1% multiplicative increase in $d$ causes a value of approximately $0.01$ to be added to $D$, because
$$\log(1.01 d) = \log(1.01) + \log(d) = \left(0.01 - (0.01)^2/2 + \cdots\right) + D \approx 0.01 + D.$$
If you used a logarithm to another base $b$, entailing $D = \log_b(d) = \log(d)/\log(b),$ then a 1% multiplicative increase in $d$ causes a value of approximately $(0.01)/\log(b)$ to be added to $D$, so everywhere "$0.01$" occurs in the preceding formulas you must use $(0.01/\log(b))$ instead.