If you use the proper multiplicative notation, the model coefficients need to account for the interpretation of the intercept term. Assume WLOG that only color and ph are in the model (this is a superfluous example you've provided). In this case, if "color==red" is the default group. There's technically only 1 dummy in the model, 1 if color is white, 0 otherwise.
Then, fitting the pH interaction, the "colorwhite" parameter is interpreted as the expected difference in the outcome comparing white to red having a pH of exactly 0. There is also a pH parameter interpreted as an expected difference in the outcome comparing groups differing by 1 unit in pH having color red. Lastly, the "colorwhite:pH" parameter is interpreted as a difference in differences for those groups, i.e. the incremental change in the pH slope comparing whites to reds.
I think you should rewrite your color formula to remove ":" and replace them with "*"
> set.seed(1)
> a <- sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace=TRUE)
> b <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace=TRUE)
> y <- rnorm(100)
> lm(y ~ a * b)
lm(formula = y ~ a * b)
(Intercept) ab ac bB bC ab:bB
0.1684 -0.3894 -0.2614 -0.2807 -0.3981 0.8720
ac:bB ab:bC ac:bC
0.2099 0.6215 0.4547
> lm(y ~ a : b) ## wrong
lm(formula = y ~ a:b)
(Intercept) aa:bA ab:bA ac:bA aa:bB ab:bB
-0.03642 0.20484 -0.18456 -0.05654 -0.07587 0.40675
ac:bB aa:bC ab:bC ac:bC
-0.12738 -0.19331 0.03883 NA
> tapply(y, interaction(a, b), mean)
a.A b.A c.A a.B b.B c.B
0.168415779 -0.220978904 -0.092958625 -0.112286696 0.370329364 -0.163796519
a.C b.C c.C
-0.229732632 0.002406992 -0.036419652
object you wrote to fit this model? I think you should be using the*
notation to generate interaction effects instead of:
. $\endgroup$stepwise
. We need to see that to understand exactly which terms are being added/dropped to this model. $\endgroup$