These are proofs which actually originate from adaptive filter theory.
History: Adaptive filters are online-optimization algorithms that gained popularity in the fields of Signal Processing (e.g. noise cancellation) and communications (e.g. channel estimation). The algorithm that you described in your question is referred to as the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm in the area of signal processing.
Since your data $x^{(t)}$ is assumed to be stochastic, we can only prove convergence in the statical sense. For example, we can only prove convergence in the mean or mean-square. As the proof for mean square convergence is a bit more involved, I'll include the proof for mean convergence.
Let's assume that your algorithm is trying to converge to an optimal parameter vector $\theta^{*}$.
Your stochastic gradient descent algorithm:
$$\theta^{(t+1)} = \theta^{(t)} + \eta (y^{(t)} - \theta^{(t)}x^{(t)} )x^{(t)}$$
Note that I did not assume a time-invariant step-size, $\eta$.
Here's the interesting part: Because you assume that there's an optimal parameter vector $\theta^{*}$, you can say that your desired target $y^{(t)}$ is generated form the this $\theta^{*}$ and your features $x^{(t)}$ as the following:
$$y^{(t)} = \theta^{*}x^{(t)} + \epsilon^{(t)} $$ where $\epsilon^{(t)} $ is a zero-mean white noise process that is independent to your features $x^{(t)}$. The noise factor $\epsilon^{(t)}$ is added to denote our uncertainty in the model.
Substituting this data model $y^{(t)}$ back into your SGD update queation gives
$$\theta^{(t+1)} = \theta^{(t)} + \eta \big(\theta^{*}x^{(t)} + \epsilon^{(t)} - \theta^{(t)}x^{(t)}\big )x^{(t)}$$
Instead of looking at the parameter update, it now becomes useful to study the error in the parameter estimate $v^{(t)} = \theta^{*} -\theta^{(t)} $. Subtracting the optimal vector $\theta^{*}$ from left and right hand sides above gives you
$$ \begin{align}
v^{(t+1)} = {} & v^{(t)} - \eta \big( v^{(t)}x^{(t)} +\epsilon^{(t)} \big )x^{(t)} \\
= {} & v^{(t)} - \eta v^{(t)}(x^{(t)})^2 -\eta\epsilon^{(t)}x^{(t)}
Now applying the statistical expectation operator gives
$$ \begin{align}
\mathbb{E}[v^{(t+1)}] = {} & \mathbb{E}[v^{(t)}] - \eta \mathbb{E}[v^{(t)}(x^{(t)})^2] -\eta \mathbb{E}[\epsilon^{(t)}x^{(t)}]
- Since the zero-mean noise $\epsilon$ is independent to the features $x^{(t)}$, $\mathbb{E}[\epsilon^{(t)}x^{(t)}] = \mathbb{E}[\epsilon^{(t)}]\mathbb{E}[x^{(t)}] = 0$
- Also since $v^{(t)}$ is only function of past values of $x^{(t)}$ i.e.
$v^{(t)} = \mathcal{F}(x^{(t-1)}, \ldots, x^0)$, and we assume that $x^{(t)}$ is independent of its past values $x^{(t-1)},\ldots, x^{(0)} $ we can say that $ \mathbb{E}[v^{(t)}(x^{(t)})^2] = \mathbb{E}[v^{(t)}] \mathbb{E}[(x^{(t)})^2]$.
This gives us
\mathbb{E}[v^{(t+1)}] = (1 - \eta \mathbb{E}[(x^{(t)})^2])\mathbb{E}[v^{(t)}]
If we say that the variance of the features is $\mathbb{E}[(x^{(t)})^2] = \sigma^2_x$, we can write the mean error evolution as
$$\mathbb{E}[v^{(t+1)}] = \underbrace{(1 - \eta \sigma^2_x}_{= \alpha} )\mathbb{E}[v^{(t)}]
For the algorithm to convergence, $|\alpha| < 1 $. If $|\alpha|$ is greater than 1, at each iteration the error gets amplified (Think $v^{(t+1)} = 2v^{(t)}$). The $|\alpha| < 1 $ is satisfied if the learning rate is bounded by:
$$ 0 < \eta < \frac{2}{\sigma^2_x}
This completes the proof of convergence for the SGD algorithm.
In your case we can roughly say that as long as $\eta_t < \frac{2}{\sigma^2_x} \forall t$, your algorithm would convergence.
Disclaimer: Keep in mind that this only a guarantee for mean convergence - in practice, your step size would be much lower than this. The mean square convergence condition, for example, would give you a tighter bound.
Quick tip: From my experience, it's much neater and a hell of a lot quicker if you write your time indices as subscripts without brackets e.g. $\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \eta_t(y_t - \theta_tx_t)x_t$. ;)