I have a repeated-measures experiment where the dependent variable is a percentage, and I have multiple factors as independent variables. I'd like to use glmer
from the R package lme4
to treat it as a logistic regression problem (by specifying family=binomial
) since it seems to accommodate this setup directly.
My data looks like this:
> head(data.xvsy)
foldnum featureset noisered pooldur dpoolmode auc
1 0 mfcc-ms nr0 1 mean 0.6760438
2 1 mfcc-ms nr0 1 mean 0.6739482
3 0 melspec-maxp nr075 1 max 0.8141421
4 1 melspec-maxp nr075 1 max 0.7822994
5 0 chrmpeak-tpor1d nr075 1 max 0.6547476
6 1 chrmpeak-tpor1d nr075 1 max 0.6699825
and here's the R command that I was hoping would be appropriate:
glmer(auc~1+featureset*noisered*pooldur*dpoolmode+(1|foldnum), data.xvsy, family=binomial)
The problem with this is that the command complains about my dependent variable not being integers:
In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
and the analysis of this (pilot) data gives weird answers as a result.
I understand why the binomial
family expects integers (yes-no counts), but it seems it should be OK to regress percentage data directly. How to do this?