Update: With the benefit of a few years' hindsight, I've penned a more concise treatment of essentially the same material in response to a similar question.
How to Construct a Confidence Region
Let us begin with a general method for constructing confidence regions. It can be applied to a single parameter, to yield a confidence interval or set of intervals; and it can be applied to two or more parameters, to yield higher dimensional confidence regions.
We assert that the observed statistics $D$ originate from a distribution with parameters $\theta$, namely the sampling distribution $s(d|\theta)$ over possible statistics $d$, and seek a confidence region for $\theta$ in the set of possible values $\Theta$. Define a Highest Density Region (HDR): the $h$-HDR of a PDF is the smallest subset of its domain that supports probability $h$. Denote the $h$-HDR of $s(d|\psi)$ as $H_\psi$, for any $\psi \in \Theta$. Then, the $h$ confidence region for $\theta$, given data $D$, is the set $C_D = \{ \phi : D \in H_\phi \}$. A typical value of $h$ would be 0.95.
A Frequentist Interpretation
From the preceding definition of a confidence region follows
d \in H_\psi \longleftrightarrow \psi \in C_d
with $C_d = \{ \phi : d \in H_\phi \}$. Now imagine a large set of (imaginary) observations $\{D_i\}$, taken under similar circumstances to $D$. i.e. They are samples from $s(d|\theta)$. Since $H_\theta$ supports probability mass $h$ of the PDF $s(d|\theta)$, $P(D_i \in H_\theta) = h$ for all $i$. Therefore, the fraction of $\{D_i\}$ for which $D_i \in H_\theta$ is $h$. And so, using the equivalence above, the fraction of $\{D_i\}$ for which $\theta \in C_{D_i}$ is also $h$.
This, then, is what the frequentist claim for the $h$ confidence region for $\theta$ amounts to:
Take a large number of imaginary observations $\{D_i\}$ from the sampling distribution $s(d|\theta)$ that gave rise to the observed statistics $D$. Then, $\theta$ lies within a fraction $h$ of the analogous but imaginary confidence regions $\{C_{D_i}\}$.
The confidence region $C_D$ therefore does not make any claim about the probability that $\theta$ lies somewhere! The reason is simply that there is nothing in the fomulation that allows us to speak of a probability distribution over $\theta$. The interpretation is just elaborate superstructure, which does not improve the base. The base is only $s(d | \theta)$ and $D$, where $\theta$ does not appear as a distributed quantity, and there is no information we can use to address that. There are basically two ways to get a distribution over $\theta$:
- Assign a distribution directly from the information at hand: $p(\theta | I)$.
- Relate $\theta$ to another distributed quantity: $p(\theta | I) = \int p(\theta x | I) dx = \int p(\theta | x I) p(x | I) dx$.
In both cases, $\theta$ must appear on the left somewhere. Frequentists cannot use either method, because they both require a heretical prior.
A Bayesian View
The most a Bayesian can make of the $h$ confidence region $C_D$, given without qualification, is simply the direct interpretation: that it is the set of $\phi$ for which $D$ falls in the $h$-HDR $H_\phi$ of the sampling distribution $s(d|\phi)$. It does not necessarily tell us much about $\theta$, and here's why.
The probability that $\theta \in C_D$, given $D$ and the background information $I$, is:
P(\theta \in C_D | DI) &= \int_{C_D} p(\theta | DI) d\theta \\
&= \int_{C_D} \frac{p(D | \theta I) p(\theta | I)}{p(D | I)} d\theta
Notice that, unlike the frequentist interpretation, we have immediately demanded a distribution over $\theta$. The background information $I$ tells us, as before, that the sampling distribution is $s(d | \theta)$:
P(\theta \in C_D | DI) &= \int_{C_D} \frac{s(D | \theta) p(\theta | I)}{p(D | I)} d \theta \\
&= \frac{\int_{C_D} s(D | \theta) p(\theta | I) d\theta}{p(D | I)} \\
\text{i.e.} \quad\quad P(\theta \in C_D | DI) &= \frac{\int_{C_D} s(D | \theta) p(\theta | I) d\theta}{\int s(D | \theta) p(\theta | I) d\theta}
Now this expression does not in general evaluate to $h$, which is to say, the $h$ confidence region $C_D$ does not always contain $\theta$ with probability $h$. In fact it can be starkly different from $h$. There are, however, many common situations in which it does evaluate to $h$, which is why confidence regions are often consistent with our probabilistic intuitions.
For example, suppose that the prior joint PDF of $d$ and $\theta$ is symmetric in that $p_{d,\theta}(d,\theta | I) = p_{d,\theta}(\theta,d | I)$. (Clearly this involves an assumption that the PDF ranges over the same domain in $d$ and $\theta$.) Then, if the prior is $p(\theta | I) = f(\theta)$, we have $s(D | \theta) p(\theta | I) = s(D | \theta) f(\theta) = s(\theta | D) f(D)$. Hence
P(\theta \in C_D | DI) &= \frac{\int_{C_D} s(\theta | D) d\theta}{\int s(\theta | D) d\theta} \\
\text{i.e.} \quad\quad P(\theta \in C_D | DI) &= \int_{C_D} s(\theta | D) d\theta
From the definition of an HDR we know that for any $\psi \in \Theta$
\int_{H_\psi} s(d | \psi) dd &= h \\
\text{and therefore that} \quad\quad \int_{H_D} s(d | D) dd &= h \\
\text{or equivalently} \quad\quad \int_{H_D} s(\theta | D) d\theta &= h
Therefore, given that $s(d | \theta) f(\theta) = s(\theta | d) f(d)$, $C_D = H_D$ implies $P(\theta \in C_D | DI) = h$. The antecedent satisfies
C_D = H_D \longleftrightarrow \forall \psi \; [ \psi \in C_D \leftrightarrow \psi \in H_D ]
Applying the equivalence near the top:
C_D = H_D \longleftrightarrow \forall \psi \; [ D \in H_\psi \leftrightarrow \psi \in H_D ]
Thus, the confidence region $C_D$ contains $\theta$ with probability $h$ if for all possible values $\psi$ of $\theta$, the $h$-HDR of $s(d | \psi)$ contains $D$ if and only if the $h$-HDR of $s(d | D)$ contains $\psi$.
Now the symmetric relation $D \in H_\psi \leftrightarrow \psi \in H_D$ is satisfied for all $\psi$ when $s(\psi + \delta | \psi) = s(D - \delta | D)$ for all $\delta$ that span the support of $s(d | D)$ and $s(d | \psi)$. We can therefore form the following argument:
- $s(d | \theta) f(\theta) = s(\theta | d) f(d)$ (premise)
- $\forall \psi \; \forall \delta \; [ s(\psi + \delta | \psi) = s(D - \delta | D) ]$ (premise)
- $\forall \psi \; \forall \delta \; [ s(\psi + \delta | \psi) = s(D - \delta | D) ] \longrightarrow \forall \psi \; [ D \in H_\psi \leftrightarrow \psi \in H_D ]$
- $\therefore \quad \forall \psi \; [ D \in H_\psi \leftrightarrow \psi \in H_D ]$
- $\forall \psi \; [ D \in H_\psi \leftrightarrow \psi \in H_D ] \longrightarrow C_D = H_D$
- $\therefore \quad C_D = H_D$
- $[s(d | \theta) f(\theta) = s(\theta | d) f(d) \wedge C_D = H_D] \longrightarrow P(\theta \in C_D | DI) = h$
- $\therefore \quad P(\theta \in C_D | DI) = h$
Let's apply the argument to a confidence interval on the mean of a 1-D normal distribution $(\mu, \sigma)$, given a sample mean $\bar{x}$ from $n$ measurements. We have $\theta = \mu$ and $d = \bar{x}$, so that the sampling distribution is
s(d | \theta) = \frac{\sqrt{n}}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-\frac{n}{2 \sigma^2} { \left( d - \theta \right) }^2 }
Suppose also that we know nothing about $\theta$ before taking the data (except that it's a location parameter) and therefore assign a uniform prior: $f(\theta) = k$. Clearly we now have $s(d | \theta) f(\theta) = s(\theta | d) f(d)$, so the first premise is satisfied. Let $s(d | \theta) = g\left( (d - \theta)^2 \right)$. (i.e. It can be written in that form.) Then
s(\psi + \delta | \psi) = g \left( (\psi + \delta - \psi)^2 \right) = g(\delta^2) \\
\text{and} \quad\quad s(D - \delta | D) = g \left( (D - \delta - D)^2 \right) = g(\delta^2) \\
\text{so that} \quad\quad \forall \psi \; \forall \delta \; [s(\psi + \delta | \psi) = s(D - \delta | D)]
whereupon the second premise is satisfied. Both premises being true, the eight-point argument leads us to conclude that the probability that $\theta$ lies in the confidence interval $C_D$ is $h$!
We therefore have an amusing irony:
- The frequentist who assigns the $h$ confidence interval cannot say that $P(\theta \in C_D) = h$, no matter how innocently uniform $\theta$ looks before incorporating the data.
- The Bayesian who would not assign an $h$ confidence interval in that way knows anyhow that $P(\theta \in C_D | DI) = h$.
Final Remarks
We have identified conditions (i.e. the two premises) under which the $h$ confidence region does indeed yield probability $h$ that $\theta \in C_D$. A frequentist will baulk at the first premise, because it involves a prior on $\theta$, and this sort of deal-breaker is inescapable on the route to a probability. But for a Bayesian, it is acceptable---nay, essential. These conditions are sufficient but not necessary, so there are many other circumstances under which the Bayesian $P(\theta \in C_D | DI)$ equals $h$. Equally though, there are many circumstances in which $P(\theta \in C_D | DI) \ne h$, especially when the prior information is significant.
We have applied a Bayesian analysis just as a consistent Bayesian would, given the information at hand, including statistics $D$. But a Bayesian, if he possibly can, will apply his methods to the raw measurements instead---to the $\{x_i\}$, rather than $\bar{x}$. Oftentimes, collapsing the raw data into summary statistics $D$ destroys information in the data; and then the summary statistics are incapable of speaking as eloquently as the original data about the parameters $\theta$.