I am learning Predictive modeling and building a Forecasting model to predict Insurance sales in US as a part of my academic project. I want to do Time Series forecasting.
I have Y(t) as my response variable and x(t),X(t-1),.....X(0) as my exploratory input varaibles that are correlated to the the response predicted variable. I have Y(t-1),Y(t-2),..... for close to 100 observations.
I want to build a Forecasting model that uses both the Y(t),Y(t-1)..so on and their corresponding X(t),X(t-1) to build the forecasting model to predict the Y(t=1).....so on.
When I went through some of the documentation available online, I saw that usually we generate a Timeseries ID and give the resposne variable and the time series ID( which is a continuous variable starting from 1 to count of response variables) and this will not use any of the X(t) values.
Is there any way where I can use both X(t),Y(t) to predict Y(t+1).
Thanks in Advance, Sai